Thursday, September 22, 2005

Marshall Fields storm watch 2005 & Hey Billy Larson!

So we had a pretty big storm last night!!! Actually it was huge! Tornadoes in Roseville, Arden Hills, Rogers...Warnings and watches all night, flash floods...and all this happened while i was at work.

At about 7:15pm the tornado sirens started going off in Ramsey county. I was the person on radio in my department, so the manager told that she was going to make an announcement to move to the first floor, then I had to make sure all guests started going down. The we head downstairs at about 7:25. One woman I work with also works for Homeland security so she was on her phone getting updates from work about the storm. We knew we were gonna be stuck down by the escalators fro at least half an hour. We couldn't leave til the sirens/warning expired at 8:00pm. So were all sitting there...bored and knowing that there isn't any real danger since the most serious part of the storm was north of us. So I'm sitting there and who should walk up to me but Billy Larson of the MMC. Jean- He was wearing the fabled dolphin shirt. I didn't believe you, but it actually does exist. I'm so glad I was able to see it. So yeah- Billy needed to buy a birthday gift card. And he did. I sold it to him. Happy Birthday to whomever. Then off he went..back out into the storm like the enigma he is.

Anyway....the warning expired at 8, which is when we're supposed to close. People were pissed. They wanted to keep shopping. I just wanted to close and go home...So I did.

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