Saturday, October 08, 2005

Tip me you bastards!

I've been working at the Fitzgerald Theatre a lot lately. There have been some good concerts in addition to the weekly Garrison Keilor shows. I make pretty decent money once you include the tips. The problem is that the tips range from $15 a night to $120 a night. Now obviously the $120 a night was a once in a lifetime thing. But tonight I realized that the sad $20 a night will be happening more often if the cheap bastards keep coming.

Here's a little lifetime piece of advice: Tip your bartender!!!! You don't even have to tip them much...but tip them! If you order $40.00 worth of mixed drinks (which take a while) and she gives you change including plenty of $1 and even a few quarters...tip her! She'll even settle for the quarters you cheap bastard. Just tip your hand and let those 2 little quarters drop into her cup. Look at all the singles in there! People are tipping her. This isn't a new idea...some people even tip when the just order waters and coffee. So please...tip your bartenders!

I shouldn't complain. Its not like the work is hard and most people tip ok...some people tip really well. Its just the middle aged men in their sports coats and overly made-up wives that don't even give me a quarter that drive me nuts. Though perhaps not as bad as the people who put pennies in my cup. Ma'am if you put one more penny in my cup, I'm spitting in your coffee.


Jean. said...

You'd think all of your karma of being a good tipper would come back to you...

Maybe you need to show more cleave? Hmmm? :)

p.s. Last night I had the weirdest dream about the TSB...they played some party we were having, but then all of a sudden it was 2:00 and they had only played 4 songs, and we were really confused because they kept giving us all of these excuses...

and it turns out that Smokey was gay, and he chose me to come out. So his "girlfriend" (played in the dream by someone who was some figment of my imagination but we called her Jen) was mad and trying to turn him not gay, and he was like "Jean, help me!" and for part of the dream he didn't have his shirt on--and I thought, of course you don't. That looks nice, and you're gay.

Things like this make me wake up crabby.

C-Lover said...

I agree, it's time to lose the apron and let the "hogs" run free! That is my tip to you.