Friday, October 14, 2005

Finally...California pics

Ok everyone...hold onto your hats! I finally got the rest of my pictures from the trip to California. So, since I won't see some of you in a while, here's the highlights...

Please notice how MN white I me...there was much teasing.

The Huntington Gardens were many perfect flowers and great art (I know...I'm a dork)

You can almost see LA through all the smog.

Lance! it's your little brother! He was so damn cute...after this picture, he started tugging on another elephants trunk, but we could take another pic in time.

I'm feeding a giraffe!!!! His name was Cosi. His tongue wrapped around my hand when he grabbed the felt really funny. I was so a little kid.
Afterwards, Henry just said, "you are going to wash your hands right?"

The lions were LAZY. But it's kinda funny that they take their cat naps in a Land Rover

At the Aquarium of the Pacific, I touched a lot of things. Like this shark. Please notice the "fat little Asian kid" next to me. That's his name. That little bastard shoved me out of the way to pet the shark just moments before this was taken. Damn fat Asian kids!

And the Bat Rays. They told me that they missed the WSU forensics team!
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Once again, I'm a little kid staring at the fishies!
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There it is! The end to a great week...god i can't wait to go back!


L-Kapitan said...

OMG! I can't believe you found "Stampy" my long lost brother! How's he doing? Do they feed him well? How's his asthma? Anyway, tell him I said hi, and that he should give me a call sometime. It's been like 13 years. He needs to let it go. Water under the bridge.

Anonymous said...

Who doesn't miss the WSU Forensics Team. I do! Jess

C-Lover said...

I miss them too Jess.

Glad you finally got the pictures Shan. I am way jealous of your touching and feeding of animals.