Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Welcome Maties!

Per Ryan's request you all have pirate's names now. If I didn't know your full name I used your blog name to generate the fabulous pirate names. I find it odd that Matt, who has no hair, is called Jolly Mullet. Chad, as Sealegs Rackham I assume that you are my swashbuckling brother and will inherit all my booty should I perish on the high seas. Hope you enjoy your pirate names! For a more accurate and amusing time, check out this pirate name survey and let me know what you get! That's where I got Captain Scarlett Rackham.


Jean. said...

That's funny...I thought RYAN's pirate name woulda been Mary.

Nonetheless, I like it!

C-Lover said...

Your pirate name is:
Dirty Sam Roberts
You're the pirate everyone else wants to throw in the ocean -- not to get rid of you, you understand; just to get rid of the smell. Two things complete your pirate persona: style and swagger. Maybe a little too much swagger sometimes -- but who really cares? Arr!

Even the quiz knows that I am the gay pirate!

Chad said...

Gyaarr!! Should somethin' run afoul on the high seas, I'll preserve the honor of the Rackham family name. The booty be ours!
