Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Thanks for all your imput...I combined a few to create a name that commands respect. People at work actually call me this...on headset I say "Yarrrr" when people ask me things. I think I may have found a new career. Ruamor also has it that there is a foam pirate hat in the works...I love our prop master! Pictures of my first mate are on the way...he's a bit camera shy.

Here's a pirate joke: A pirate walks into a bar and he has a ships wheel stuck in his pants. The bartended says, "hey captain, you got a wheel in your pants." The pirate says, "I know. It's drivin me nuts!"
It works best when you use a pirate voice. I laughed a lot. But it could have been cuz i was drunk and tired when I heard it.


Jean. said...

Hilarious joke.

...drivin' me nuts...

For some reason I thought of JMO.

See you Thursday!

WV: dclog--

I think that due to ugly shoes, all of society needs to "dclog" and instead just wear sandals.

C-Lover said...

Ha ha ha...hilarious (like Brian on Family Guy)!

I like the pirate name. You should give the rest of us pirate names for the links to our blogs.