However, despite not getting a fish sweater, I'm am now the proud owner of an adorable red leather purse (thanks Jean). Ducktales volume 1 is on its way thanks to Ryan, an IPod is coming to me via matty and my mom, and Lance sent me $$$ to go see/buy movies. Thanks everyone!!! I also received many gift cards for barnes and noble...perhaps my favorite store.
We had a great time at the MMC thursday night. Much Much alcohol was cosumed...mostly by me. Lets see...matt bought me shots, rae bought me shots, Tony bought me shots....I think the grand total was about 7 shots and 5 beers....pretty good for a girl who didn't eat much that day! There was much drunken dancing and picture taking. Thanks guys! Oh...and we met Rae's new boy!

Yea for DuckTales!!! We are so watching that when I come to visit. And you got an iPod...that's awesome! I love mine more then I would love me children...if I had any...which I won' will...lots of them.
Tony looks just as salty as he tasted!
(I look like hell in that picture, by the way...if you enlarge it, my eyes look big and gray like a blind dog.)
Nonetheless, best Thursday ever!
would have loved to have hung out with ya at MMC. How's the Tony Sims Japan tour coming along?
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