I was supposed to write about last week's Tony Sims Night:
Auntie Di was up from Illinois and she LOVED it! Bought herself a CD (And by bought herself, I mean my mom gave me money and told me to go get it. And Smokey and Ryan actually thought it was for me....no sirs I have owned my copy for over a year now.) So yeah, she loved it. In fact, I think she said they were one of the best bands she's heard in a while...though I'm not too sure how often auntie di goes to bars checking out bands. She was amazed at Tony's leg action (really...how does his leg not fall off during How Long???). She loved Dave's acoustic set...as I promised she would, and was amused by all the crazy dancers. How could she not be amused? I mean when two guys go hit on women on the dance floor and get turned down...that's funny...sad but funny. Its even better when Dave calls them out on it: "Its ok guys. Even the best of us get shot down sometimes". Not nice Dave...hilarious, but not nice.
A few other things...Ryan what's with the perm look...a haircut may be in order. I just got one today if you need a recommendation. And btw- if you want people to notice you, where bright colors...it worked for Poncho. And you looked extra angry last week during some songs...mabe its cuz Tony was making fun of the perm. Dave- why were you grabbing at Smokey's crotch? I'm sure you were trying to get him to move his leg like tony, but it looked like a crotch grab. And Smokey, thanks for singing "here comes my bum" and grabbing your ass, that might be a nice addition to the acoustic set.
And finally- A great big tearfilled goodbye to Denny aka Mark. I guess Dave has had enough. Your musical stylings to Heart of the Matter were just too much for him. And I can understand...after all, that's some hard talent to share a stage with. Have no fear though. I have every confidence that Ryan and Smokey will fill in for you to the best of their abilities. It just won't be the same though without your screaming and fleecey musicnote scarf. We will miss you.
Jean sent us all the pics from our fabulous fall walk, and while I was looking at them I found discovered my two new favorite pics of Ryan and I. I know its cheesey, but they really capture two important sides of our friendship and they're so candid and perfect. Thanks for snapping them Jean! I love ya Ryan!

You're welcome.
But you forgot to mention that the post below is the two best sides of OUR friendship.
Beer. And...uh...whatever that other thing is. But mostly beer. :)
Yea for cute pictures of us! I still think I have one of the best...but you will have to wait until Christmas to see it.
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