Wednesday, January 11, 2006

An Open Letter to the Sandman

Dear Mr. Sandman,

I'm writing in regards to the lack of good sleep I've been getting lately. I'm not sure if you're working solo still or if you've expanded your operations to include individual departments. If that is the case, please pass this on to your Dream Subsidiary.

Now Mr. Sandman, I appreciate that we all have a job to do, but if you or dream affiliate could please move on from the upstairs bedroom of 1274 I would be ever so thankful. If you are contractually obligated to remain in the attic bedroom, then I have a few requests; I could do without the dreams depicting me killing (in some form or another) my family members...particularly my mother. I'm pretty sure she's done nothing to upset you recently. I would also sleep more soundly if you'd stop trying to ruin my upcoming vacation to California. On more than one occasion you've stopped the plane from taking off. And this last time...pretending to have Henry call the pilot and tell him to cancel the flight...well that was just mean.

I know it may seem like I'm just negatively criticizing your work, so let me follow up with a compliment. I do appreciate some of the dreams I've had lately...I will say that your choice of men in my dreams have been a bit odd, but they've been nice nonetheless. Thanks for making sure one particular (non pocket T shirt wearing) gentleman saved me from violent thieves and tucked me into bed, and for letting me meet someone I vaguely know at that concert and taking me home. I hope you don't mind me making one more little suggestion: when you're leaving, the 4th stair down squeaks. If you could avoid so as to not wake me up before the good part of these dreams, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Again Mr. Sandman, I understand that you're just doing your job. However, in order to do my job, I need some more sleep. Preferably sleep that isn't fraught with disturbing dreams...those other dreams though? You can keep them coming. Take care, and sweet dreams.



C-Lover said...

P.S. When you're done in MN, please head west to OR and give me a break. I don't even need to have any dreams; just a good nights sleep. Thank you.

L-Kapitan said...

If it makes you feel any better I got a total of 8 hours sleep this past weekend. Yeah, all weekend. So, I may have to sleep until about noon tomorrow to catch up.

P.S. I totally know what you're talking about in your last blog. X3's gonna fuckin' rock! But, um, the new Superman movie also comes out this summer and it is my hope that it will kick both of those movies' asses! I love you, Supes!

Chris said...

Nice to know that I'm not alone in my suffering. I had the worst dream last night. It woke me up and I couldn't manage to go back to sleep, so i just laid there in the dark for an hour and 15 minutes until my alarm was about to go off. I dreampt that I was driving and I passed this old man in a pickup truck on the highway. As I passed him, I could see and hear him screaming to get my attention. Then his pickup swirved off the road and onto the grassy median. I immediately pulled over, thinking he had had a heart attack. The man comes staggering out of the truck shouting something like, "He's got a knife!" I see this man start to emrge from the truck and I grab my cell phone and turn to go back to my VUE, but he somehow catches up to me. I stammer that I have called 911 already and that if he's smart he'll take off, but I seriously could tell he was about to stab me. The dude was really creepy looking and had one of his eyes kinda glazed over and lifeless. I woke up and then played out possible scenarios of how things could have gone down (which I'm sure contributed to why I couldn't fall back asleep) Sadly, the option that made me feel the most safe was shoving him into the higway to get hit by a passing vehicle. I don't know what any of this means or if the pizza I ate before bed contributed or what, but I'm certainly staying away from suspense thrillers for a little while.

Here's hoping you've since managed to get a decent night's sleep. I pulled off a pretty good nap this afternoon/early evening.