Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Cold Germs Can Kiss My Ass

I know that Jean says she never gets sick, but I'm pretty much the opposite. I get minor colds all the time. My friend Matt and I always know that we're both gonna get the "knock your ass out" cold in the the middle of December. It's a tradition we've had since high school. This year, mine happened one week before the holidays and I even went home early from work one night...something I don't think I've ever done before. But with rest and Zicam it went away quicker than normal (my colds usually last almost 2 weeks).

Well, yesterday I woke up with a sore throat. I knew it was coming back for more. The cold virus is back for revenge since I sent it packing so quickly last month. Well screw you cold! Screw the sore throat, coughing, stuffiness, and slight fever. The Zicam and DayQuil will take care of you again...I hope. But damn I don't wanna go to work tonight!

David want to follow me around with Lysol?


C-Lover said...

It's because you work to hard and are pulling yourself in like a bazillion directions!

I hope you get over it soon (or at least by Feb. 14th!!!)

Jean. said...

Uh oh. Are we on TS watch? I don't want you going out if you're sick, because we have to get in all those cigs before the smoking ban goes into place.

...actually the thought of a cigarette really makes me wanna throw up right now.

Mine started out with a sore throat. You should get that aroma-thera-no-cold-tea or whatever the hell it is. It's that little fizzy pill and it tastes orange and it helps. Unlike Lysol. Lysol DOES NOTHING.

And you do work too hard. Go sit down and eat a sandwich.

C-Lover said...

Are you feeling better yet?

Shan said...

still sick:(