Monday, December 19, 2005

I've Outdone Myself Again!

Well folks, the Chirstmas baking season has begun. For those of you who don't know, this time of year I go into cookie baking mode. On my few days off this season I become a one woman cookie factory. Today, for example, I made approxiamately 140 cookies. They are all delicious...they were even more delicious as dough before I baked 'em. What??? I had to make sure they tasted ok, right?

I made my usual (and slightly famous) peanut butter cookies. Some of them had Reeses Bells on didn't work out so pretty...the bells kinda melted funny. But damn they're tasty! I also made oatmeal raisin cookies for my mom cuz they're her favorite. A man once told me he'd marry a girl if she could make the perfect oatmeal raisin cookie. Well, I'm not that girl...they're ok, but not spectacular. But the crowning achievement of the day were the white chocolate chip cranberry cookies. They are to die for for. They take the cake....or cookie. Fuckin delicious! I've outdone myself again! And I predict that Jean eats 27 of them between Wednesday and Thursday while she's here.

Pictured from Left: white chocolate chip cranberry, peanut butter, oatmeal raisin.

Tomorrow I'll be making malted chocolate chip cookies...then I think I'll be calling it quits...unless I make more of the cranberry ones....God they're good!

PS- I realized something today. I was standing in the kitchen, mixing dough while a load of laundry was in the dryer and another load was waiting to be folded...and I was crocheting a scarf while waiting for the cookie timer to go off. How domestic am I today? The clincher???? I was doing laundry, crocheting, and baking....if only I were pregnant in a trailor!


C-Lover said...

Shannon, you ARE so domestic! Those cookies look delish! Please save some for me!!!

Jean, don't eat all the fucking cookies!!!

Jean. said...

Yeah, I'm pretty much gonna eat all of the cookies.

And when I say all, I mean all. All of them. Every single cookie. Mostly, it will be just to make Ryan mad.

Shan said...

no you may not have my baby...i don't even know howt hat would work. but you can eat my cookie.