-the Saint Louis Science Center sucks. The best thing about it was the mulitple opportunities for inapprpriate pictures. We learned that the temperature of my cleavage was 77.6 degrees! And this man with a fever loved it!

Ryan on the other hand, learned how to wrestle a cow!
-If you want a St. Louis Steamers scarf, get there VERY early on fan appreciation night. God I wish they'd been playing Cleveland!
-"Pour Some Sugar on Me" is a great song...even at a dueling piano's bar!
-Changing in a train yard is cool...especially when you're fogging up the windows of your best friend's Jetta. (had to get sexy for the gay bar!)
-Speaking of gay bar....not only do i miss them and love them, thank god for the "safe bathroom!" And apparently some drunk gay men think I'm crazy for being from Minnesota. They thought I talked funny. And at 3:00am after 4 vodka/crans, 3 red headed sluts, and a body shot of tequila, I probably did talk funny.
-Roman Holiday is great to watch when drinking a good Riesling, eating great pasta, and sitting with your best friend.
-It's hard to win RISK when Ryan controls Asia and attacks Alaska.
-Midwest Connect is a cheap airline for a reason...I had to push the plane down the runway.
Well, those are some of the things i learned this weekend in St. Louis. I had a fabulous time eating, drinking, taking inappropriate pictures, eating cake in coffee shops....now its back to work tomorrow:(
Welcome back Shan. Just so you know, you don't need some statue at a science museum to tell you how hot your boobs are when you've got friends like me. Hello! Anyway, glad you had a good time in the big MO with the Clover.
See you soon,
P.S. How the F do you get pictures on a posted blog without "Hello" posting a completely new blog just for the picture? Let me know. Thanks.
Dearest HO'Brien:
I just made up that name for you. Do you like it?
First of all, why is that cow Ryan wrestling so ANGRY? That is the angriest frickin' cow I have ever seen. It totally reminds me of me. Look at it again. That is me making the "kid if you ever touch me again I am gonna fucking kill you" face. It TOTALLY is.
Second of all: The "SAFE" bathroom at the complex--yeah, not so safe. I went in there after three people all came out together. Hello! Read the sign, losers. ONE PERSON AT A TIME. Gross x 10.
So, a new piercing huh? Box-sized frames, huh? Is someone trying to be like someone else? I say this becuase it is I trying to be like you, what with the piercings, and the contacts, and the...yeah that's all I've got.
Shannon, my boobs have gotten smaller. In conclusion, I will be cleaving it up tonight. You better do the same. I have been waiting for Tony for SO long! I hope all of this anticipation doesn't ruin the night. Who knows, I'll probably arrive to Tumblin' Dice. AHH!!!!!
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