Well, this will be short and really just a chance for me to ramble.
After a not so delightful Tony Sims night last week (i gave Tony the evil eye) I came home to find out that I was granted two interviews for graduate/intern positions. Now that may sound great to most people, but not to me...no sir! I had made up my mind that day that I was not going to Chicago the coming weekend since U/RTA had not informed me of any interviews. I figured "sweet...since my lazy and over confident ass sent applications to the two most selective places...LATE, I won't get any interviews." Guess I was wrong...my god given talent came shining through the poorly written letter of intent.
So I have interviews with Urbana Champaign in boring Illinois and PCPA Theatrefest in sunny California. I already know that I won't accept a postion in the grad program at UIUC. No offense to you grad students, but I've come to realize that in my field, its a waste of time...I've been told so by many a stage manager who never went and one who did. So really, that interview is just so I can turn them down if I'm one of the 5 people they accept a year. Take that Illinois!
But...California???? Could be a possibility. Do I want to be there for 3 months this summer? Can a midwest girl take the summer heat? Or do I take a 5-9 month internship starting in August? Plus there's the good old (only 1 year old) Great River Shakespeare Festival in Winona this summer. I love those people! And its close...won't cost me any money (as opposed to Cali where I have to pay for and apartment on a $200-$280 a week stipend!).
So anyway, I'm taking the Amtrak down this Friday (after a Tony Sims night!) for two interviews that I don't really want to do. Well, I suppose that means I won't be nervous...which in turn means I'll probably get offered both positions...just my luck. I thought about doing the interviews naked...there's no way they'd hire a naked girl right???? Then I wouldn't have to make a decision. All right...that's my new plan. Interview naked and instead of my prompt book and resume, I'll bring in a copy of Green Eggs and Ham and stuff my face with Twinkies. Sounds like a good first impression to me!
Monday, January 31, 2005
Monday, January 24, 2005
The State of the Union
Well, it's almost been a week since George Dubbya was sworn in to his second term...joy of joys. Now, this isn't going to be an entry about my love for Georgie boy...no. But, when watching the early coverage of his inauguration I heard something that I had to comment on...it just took me a while to find time.
So, George Stephanopolis is discussing the day that the President has ahead of him and announces that they will be going live to the capitol steps. And there stands a very snappy looking reporter in his navy suit and khaki trench holding his little microphone. He says, "Yes George, the feeling here at the capitol is very strong. They're all feeling very triumphal...." Triumphal??? Don't you mean triumPHANT??? Now I realize that both words are adjectives and could theorhetically be used in the same way, but I'm pretty sure that the correct form of the word in this case would be; "They're all feeling very triumphant....". It just got me thinking that perhaps the people who are doing national correspondance work for a major news corporation would have taken a few english and public speaking courses...hey I know a few people who could help this man... Jean, Chad, Jess...you up to the challenge?
And then, as I'm signing on to yahoo to write this blog, I see a headline saying "Middle schools support national "No-Name Calling Week". Are you serious??? No name calling week? Screw that you big bunch of "lets try to make everyone feel good and behave" idiots! How's that for no name calling??? Aside from the simplistic name and the fact that no adolescent is going to take this seriously, shouldn't every week be no name calling week? Now I know that i can't get through 1 hour without calling someone a name, but we all know I am very weak of character. So this program started by the GLSEN group in NY and supported by the girlscouts starts this week. Apparently a lot of people are buying into the possibility of this working considering the long list of partners on the website. http://www.nonamecallingweek.org/
Well, good for them...although schools in Colorado and Texas are already refusing to participate saying that it tells students they shouldn't discriminate against homosexual students. Of course, I'm paraphrasing here, but still...Colorado and Texas are certainly known for their tolerance of the GLBT community.
So...happy no name calling week bullies!
So, George Stephanopolis is discussing the day that the President has ahead of him and announces that they will be going live to the capitol steps. And there stands a very snappy looking reporter in his navy suit and khaki trench holding his little microphone. He says, "Yes George, the feeling here at the capitol is very strong. They're all feeling very triumphal...." Triumphal??? Don't you mean triumPHANT??? Now I realize that both words are adjectives and could theorhetically be used in the same way, but I'm pretty sure that the correct form of the word in this case would be; "They're all feeling very triumphant....". It just got me thinking that perhaps the people who are doing national correspondance work for a major news corporation would have taken a few english and public speaking courses...hey I know a few people who could help this man... Jean, Chad, Jess...you up to the challenge?
And then, as I'm signing on to yahoo to write this blog, I see a headline saying "Middle schools support national "No-Name Calling Week". Are you serious??? No name calling week? Screw that you big bunch of "lets try to make everyone feel good and behave" idiots! How's that for no name calling??? Aside from the simplistic name and the fact that no adolescent is going to take this seriously, shouldn't every week be no name calling week? Now I know that i can't get through 1 hour without calling someone a name, but we all know I am very weak of character. So this program started by the GLSEN group in NY and supported by the girlscouts starts this week. Apparently a lot of people are buying into the possibility of this working considering the long list of partners on the website. http://www.nonamecallingweek.org/
Well, good for them...although schools in Colorado and Texas are already refusing to participate saying that it tells students they shouldn't discriminate against homosexual students. Of course, I'm paraphrasing here, but still...Colorado and Texas are certainly known for their tolerance of the GLBT community.
So...happy no name calling week bullies!
Thursday, January 20, 2005
I love children!
Ok, I know its been a while since I've written...I knew I wouldn't keep up on this! So...here's a few updates...
I'm working two shows in rep at the History Theatre now. One of them is To Kill a Mockingbird and let me tell you...its the cheapest form of birth control I can think of! After working with these little children...wow! There are three kids in the show, but because of child labor laws (which also say we can't put them work on the drill press or table saw i nthe shop....stupid laws) we have two teams of three. For those who find math difficult, that means there are six children in the company. One of them...I'm suessing she's 10...announced to the director that she was about to have a nervous breakdown. This was during tech rehearsal. She told the director that she hadn't had enough practice and it was the director's fault if she looked stupid on stage. Let me shore with you that this ten year old has a stage name...of course she does...in fact, no one knows her real name! And if that wasn't enough...on tech day, one of the adults in the show thought it would be a good idea to take the little children to CANDYLAND (a little piece of heaven in Saint Paul) on the dinner break. Yes, because annoying children on sugar will make my job easier!!! My stage manager and I will be getting our tubes tied as soon as the show closes. Ok, enough about work...
Some Tony Sims updates:
-Jean's pissed (St. Louis pales in comparison to the Tony Sims Band)
-Tony sang to Rachel and I last week
-Dave sang Yesterday for me and told my mom Happy Birthday
-Tony sang Baby Listen To Me for Rachel and I on Thursday and Saturday
-Tony touched me...sorry Jean
-Dave called me "honey" twice
-Shoeless was wearing shoes
-Rachel had the first personal encounter with the skanks
-Tony and Dave saw us sitting in Rachel's car sobering up and said by to us
Well, we'll be seeing them all again tonight! That's 3 times in the course of 7 days!
Alright, its just about time for me to go back to work. I know this wasn't the most interesting entry, but perhaps it will tide Jessica over ti the next one!
I'm working two shows in rep at the History Theatre now. One of them is To Kill a Mockingbird and let me tell you...its the cheapest form of birth control I can think of! After working with these little children...wow! There are three kids in the show, but because of child labor laws (which also say we can't put them work on the drill press or table saw i nthe shop....stupid laws) we have two teams of three. For those who find math difficult, that means there are six children in the company. One of them...I'm suessing she's 10...announced to the director that she was about to have a nervous breakdown. This was during tech rehearsal. She told the director that she hadn't had enough practice and it was the director's fault if she looked stupid on stage. Let me shore with you that this ten year old has a stage name...of course she does...in fact, no one knows her real name! And if that wasn't enough...on tech day, one of the adults in the show thought it would be a good idea to take the little children to CANDYLAND (a little piece of heaven in Saint Paul) on the dinner break. Yes, because annoying children on sugar will make my job easier!!! My stage manager and I will be getting our tubes tied as soon as the show closes. Ok, enough about work...
Some Tony Sims updates:
-Jean's pissed (St. Louis pales in comparison to the Tony Sims Band)
-Tony sang to Rachel and I last week
-Dave sang Yesterday for me and told my mom Happy Birthday
-Tony sang Baby Listen To Me for Rachel and I on Thursday and Saturday
-Tony touched me...sorry Jean
-Dave called me "honey" twice
-Shoeless was wearing shoes
-Rachel had the first personal encounter with the skanks
-Tony and Dave saw us sitting in Rachel's car sobering up and said by to us
Well, we'll be seeing them all again tonight! That's 3 times in the course of 7 days!
Alright, its just about time for me to go back to work. I know this wasn't the most interesting entry, but perhaps it will tide Jessica over ti the next one!
Wednesday, January 12, 2005
Heaven in a box
As Jean has mentioned in some of her entries, this title may imply that am a lesbian, but rest assured I am not. Rather, also like Jean, I enjoy a strong fondness for snack foods. Particularly snacky carbohydrates. Well, since Jean introduced the world to Rold Gold pretzels, I feel the need to open your eyes to the newest member of the Triscuit family.
"With a sprig of rosemary, a drop of olive oil...the essence of both" (right from the triscuit website!) Kraft foods introduces Rosemary and Olive Oil Triscuits. Well, when I saw a coupon for $1.00 off in the paper, you better believe I was on board for these new taste sensations! I had no idea that they would be the delicious crackers that now the entire History Theatre is hooked on. I was enjoying my Rosemary and Olive Oil Triscuits at work yesterday with little slices of Colby Jack cheese (highly recommended) and I offered one to a co-worker. She instantly started making the yummy noise and proclaimed that "they taste like Thanksgiving!" I must have looked confused because she clarified that they taste like rosemary stuffing. She was right...after taking another bite , I realized that they do taste a bit like stuffing...so next Thanksgiving, it's Triscuits and gravy for this girl!
This opens up a whole new realm of white trash, Triscuit based hors dourves (I know i spelled it wrong). Jean, you will recall our white trash Iron Chef creation of "shark's head on a Triscuit". Well now we have delightfully seasoned Triscuits to spice up the menu! In fact...especially for all you college kids...Triscuits have a recipe site. Jean, how did we not know about this?!?!?! http://www.nabiscoworld.com/triscuit/tr_recipesmain.htm
Give them a whirl!
Well, now that I feel sufficiently fat after writing a blog about food (the first of many to be sure) I suppose it's time for this fatty to head to work!
"With a sprig of rosemary, a drop of olive oil...the essence of both" (right from the triscuit website!) Kraft foods introduces Rosemary and Olive Oil Triscuits. Well, when I saw a coupon for $1.00 off in the paper, you better believe I was on board for these new taste sensations! I had no idea that they would be the delicious crackers that now the entire History Theatre is hooked on. I was enjoying my Rosemary and Olive Oil Triscuits at work yesterday with little slices of Colby Jack cheese (highly recommended) and I offered one to a co-worker. She instantly started making the yummy noise and proclaimed that "they taste like Thanksgiving!" I must have looked confused because she clarified that they taste like rosemary stuffing. She was right...after taking another bite , I realized that they do taste a bit like stuffing...so next Thanksgiving, it's Triscuits and gravy for this girl!
This opens up a whole new realm of white trash, Triscuit based hors dourves (I know i spelled it wrong). Jean, you will recall our white trash Iron Chef creation of "shark's head on a Triscuit". Well now we have delightfully seasoned Triscuits to spice up the menu! In fact...especially for all you college kids...Triscuits have a recipe site. Jean, how did we not know about this?!?!?! http://www.nabiscoworld.com/triscuit/tr_recipesmain.htm
Give them a whirl!
Well, now that I feel sufficiently fat after writing a blog about food (the first of many to be sure) I suppose it's time for this fatty to head to work!
Monday, January 10, 2005
Tony Sims Band

Ok, I'm gradually figuring out how to add pictures, but it's slow going...very slow. But there is Smokey D...who is pratically married and Tony...who will soon be married to Jean

And here is Tony (what's with the white patent leather jacket??? And my husband Dave Berkart...in the words of Tony he "has a voice like a bird ladies and gentlemen".
Really...we're not stalkers...but expect more Tony Sims Band entries from Jean and I!
Where's My Winter Break?
So, I've been pushed into Blog-land...not sure why. Lord knows I won't keep up with it, but lets just see how it goes.
As winter break seems to be winding down for most of my friends, I'm still mourning the loss of the annual 2+ weeks of sitting on my ass, playing video games, and drinking known as "winter break". I recently realized that this is the first time in 18 years that I have not had that luxury (though the drinking part of break didn't really start until until college...ok lets be honest...I'm Irish...elemtary school). But since I've joined the working forces (albeit the poorly payed force) I have not had nearly as much time to sit on my ass as I did in college! Imagine that...even when they pay you virtually nothing, they still expect you to work! But rest assured....my working for the History Theatre did not prevent me from enjoying others' Winter Break....
Jean made her weekly trip up to hear The Tony Sims Band...but this time we brought reinforcements. Taking up the entire length of the bar, our group (armed with Bud Lights, cigarettes, and mad dance moves) was a force to be reckoned with. A good time was had by all...including my mother who had her ass grabbed by David, Lance who did his uncanny Michael Jackson impression, and Dan...my current crush who has shown up to Tony Sims twice now! Jess and Ryan were finally exposed (and I do mean exposed) to the genius that is Tony Sims after months of hearing about them. I'm sure the acoustic set (which NEVER happens) really pushed them over the edge...I mean how can you not love a song called Cherokee Maiden or hearing the beautiful words, "a man once said all the world's a stage..." Plus, the love of my life, David Berkart, sang a song for me...sure he doesn't know my name, but is that really important? All that matters is that we buy them shots, sing all the words, and request Baby Listen TO Me each week. Afterall, this past week it got Tony to calls us "the shit" (which is much better than it sounds) and got Dave to talk to me, promising to play Yesterday again next week.
But, I digress from The Tony Sims Band...suppose Jean and I should start a Blog dedicated to them...now where was I? Oh yes...what I did on other peoples' winter break...After the delightful Tony Sims night, Jean, Jess, Ryan and I spent the day eating bacon, Krispy Kremes, cheese, pepperoni, and ranch sauce. Could the day get any better? Yes it can...Mario Party 6! "You're lousy" in the words of Waluigi. And this brings me to New Year's Eve...After working the show at the History Theatre, we all ended up and the Minnesota Music Cafe- where we are known by the waitresses and the Bud Lights flow. After greeting Mr. Tony Sims and getting my midnight kiss from who else...2 gay men, we spent the evening drinking and dancing away.
During the recovery day (spent at the Mall of America) not only did we buy cheap underwear (god bless VS semi-annual sale, my apparently shrinking ass allowing me to buy things at VS, and Lane Bryant sales!) but we also met Jessica's twin (she was even shopping with a plus size Shannon of her own!). Awkward!
So I guess the lesson is that even if you're working and don't get a beautiful winter break of your own...that shouldn't stop you from drinking and shopping as if you did. Enjoy other peoples' breaks with them! Well, that's the end of this one...way more typing than I anticipated...thanks for putting up with my ramblings...and god bless Budweiser and the Tony Sims Band!
Eventually I may put pictures on here, but I can't figure it out yet...:(
As winter break seems to be winding down for most of my friends, I'm still mourning the loss of the annual 2+ weeks of sitting on my ass, playing video games, and drinking known as "winter break". I recently realized that this is the first time in 18 years that I have not had that luxury (though the drinking part of break didn't really start until until college...ok lets be honest...I'm Irish...elemtary school). But since I've joined the working forces (albeit the poorly payed force) I have not had nearly as much time to sit on my ass as I did in college! Imagine that...even when they pay you virtually nothing, they still expect you to work! But rest assured....my working for the History Theatre did not prevent me from enjoying others' Winter Break....
Jean made her weekly trip up to hear The Tony Sims Band...but this time we brought reinforcements. Taking up the entire length of the bar, our group (armed with Bud Lights, cigarettes, and mad dance moves) was a force to be reckoned with. A good time was had by all...including my mother who had her ass grabbed by David, Lance who did his uncanny Michael Jackson impression, and Dan...my current crush who has shown up to Tony Sims twice now! Jess and Ryan were finally exposed (and I do mean exposed) to the genius that is Tony Sims after months of hearing about them. I'm sure the acoustic set (which NEVER happens) really pushed them over the edge...I mean how can you not love a song called Cherokee Maiden or hearing the beautiful words, "a man once said all the world's a stage..." Plus, the love of my life, David Berkart, sang a song for me...sure he doesn't know my name, but is that really important? All that matters is that we buy them shots, sing all the words, and request Baby Listen TO Me each week. Afterall, this past week it got Tony to calls us "the shit" (which is much better than it sounds) and got Dave to talk to me, promising to play Yesterday again next week.
But, I digress from The Tony Sims Band...suppose Jean and I should start a Blog dedicated to them...now where was I? Oh yes...what I did on other peoples' winter break...After the delightful Tony Sims night, Jean, Jess, Ryan and I spent the day eating bacon, Krispy Kremes, cheese, pepperoni, and ranch sauce. Could the day get any better? Yes it can...Mario Party 6! "You're lousy" in the words of Waluigi. And this brings me to New Year's Eve...After working the show at the History Theatre, we all ended up and the Minnesota Music Cafe- where we are known by the waitresses and the Bud Lights flow. After greeting Mr. Tony Sims and getting my midnight kiss from who else...2 gay men, we spent the evening drinking and dancing away.
During the recovery day (spent at the Mall of America) not only did we buy cheap underwear (god bless VS semi-annual sale, my apparently shrinking ass allowing me to buy things at VS, and Lane Bryant sales!) but we also met Jessica's twin (she was even shopping with a plus size Shannon of her own!). Awkward!
So I guess the lesson is that even if you're working and don't get a beautiful winter break of your own...that shouldn't stop you from drinking and shopping as if you did. Enjoy other peoples' breaks with them! Well, that's the end of this one...way more typing than I anticipated...thanks for putting up with my ramblings...and god bless Budweiser and the Tony Sims Band!
Eventually I may put pictures on here, but I can't figure it out yet...:(
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