Monday, March 13, 2006


The show is open now. Here is the previously mentioned list of things I like:
  • -There is a song called Slant Eyed Bitch. That makes me laugh.
  • -No gun anymore( but now I make a rather realistic gun noise by wailing on a 1x4 with a huge rubber mallet.
  • -The show is only 2 hours long approx.
  • -Some of the music is kinda cool.
  • -Supposedly I’m getting paid more for the added performances.
  • -I don’t have to do any costume changes.
  • -We have a bet going how many times we’ll start on time. So far we’re at zero. Opening night the 16 year old (who may be the death of me) showed up at 4 minutes to curtain. This isn’t necessarily something I like, but it makes me laugh. Sometimes all you can do is smile and shake your head.
Other updates:
  • -I’ve already shoveled 10” of snow today… more on that later I’m sure.
  • -I bartended at the Fitz last night for the 1st time in months…tips were very nice!
  • -I got a whopping .20c raise at Marshall Field’s for being such an outstanding employee.
  • -I talked to my manager about the incident with weird kid. She’s also concerned…luckily he’s still within the 90 day probationary period. Perhaps my days with weird kid are numbered.
  • -Cross your fingers that Corleone will be performed in July. That means I’ll have job and a fun show to stage manage.
  • -It’s still snowing.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Snapshots: My Job is Shitty

You may recall this from last fall. Well, I'm officially in the middle of tech for Snapshots: Life in the City. We open in 3 days. The good thing is that there is now sheet music. Although I'd like to point out that as of Tuesday, the cast was still learning music. And blocking. And lines. And choreography. I suppose maybe that's typical of musicals, but it makes it different when the cast is made up of 14 people (most under the age of 26) who don't like to show up on time. Its definitely going to be interesting show.

Also, I'm trying really hard not to get sucked into the negativity vortex that is the History Theatre, but I fear it may be too late. I'm starting to get really crabby at work. Here's a few reasons why: I have to fire a gun in the show. An 8mm semi automatic gun that fires blanks. I'm kinda excited about this, but nervous. I've never used a gun before. On top of that, the gun doesn't seem to be working properly. It always jams after one shot....I'm supposed to fire off 7. So I've never been able to do the whole sequence, which is frustrating. Additionally, there is only one person who seems really intent on helping me with this. Being completely understanding and answers all my questions and offers help. Is it the tech director? NO. Is the the stage manager? NO. Is it the props mater? NO. It's the master electrician. Last I checked guns weren't electircal, so it's not his job, but I'm grateful for his help anyway.
Reason #2 for crabbiness: Yesterday my SM asked me if I had paperwork for her. Usually I turn in paperwork on opening day since we're making changes up until then. But she said she just needed to make sure I had it and was doing it. Now some of you may not know about my anal tendencey of updating paperwork every 2 hours during shows. I kinda take pride in the fact that my paperwork is so organized and now my SM needs to check up on me??? This, by the way, is the SM who I have had to call to make sure she was awake for the morning matinees last year. that I've ranted, I'm over it.
Well, I'm off to rehearsal. Next time I post the show will be open and perhaps I'll have a list of things I like about it!

Monday, March 06, 2006

Weird Kid story #2

I called Marshall Fields this weekend to get the schedule that came out on Friday. ( I went in on Friday to get it but it wasn't done yet which is a whole other annoyance). When I called, I asked to be transferred to men's because there are usually more people in that department than home...So if it was by some miracle busy the men's people would more likely answer. Big mistake....Huge! Weird kid answers. As soon as I heard his voice on the other end I knew that this was going to be a struggle. I knew that getting to him to look in the binder right next to phone and tell me if my name was on the schedule was going to be difficult. Here's how it went:
"Men's, can I help you?"
"Hi Jake it's Shannon O'Brien"
"I work with you."
"Oh yeah, hi"
"I was hoping you could tell me my schedule for the next week,"
"You know Jake the one that just came out."
"Which one that just came out?"
"It'll have the dates March 12-18 on it."
"Oh yeah, its out"
SILENCE. For Pete's sake...
"Am I on it?"
"For MArch 12th?"
"Well, I suppose Jake, for March 12th...and the rest of the week."
"Yeah, you're on it."
PAUSE. At this point I'm thinking about hanging up and trying the people in Home.
"When am I on it Jake?"
"You're on it 3 times."
"Could you tell me when those are?"
"Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday."
"Are there any times listed there Jake?"
"Oh yeah......."
Here is when Jake FINALLY gives me my schedule.

I knew it would be a struggle and I was right. Poor Jake. I think he has some processing issues.
That was another story brought to you by Weird Kid!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

I hosted a dinner party last week and it was fairly successful. My friend Rae and I decided that we'd cook dinner for our friend Matt. Matt has hosted many dinner parties (including one that resulted in at least one case of alcohol poisoning) and we thought it was about time to return the favor. Since he bought cook books for his friends for Christmas, we knew we'd be able to find something. The party-goers included Matt, Jean, my mom, Rae's mom, Rae, and me. There was lots of wine, lots of food, and lot and LOTS of laughter.

The Menu:
-antipasto salad including garlic stuffed olives, marinated garbonzo beans, and mushrooms (among other things)
-Tuscan Tortellini Soup (soooo easy to make and it looks like it took hours)
-chicken parmigiana with seared polenta and braised artichokes (that were too lemony)
-gingered shortcake with dried figs and cherries with whipped cream
-pinot noir, sauvignon blanc, chardonnay, champagne

The food was all pretty tasty and none of it was too difficult to make. Rachels mom is drunk after 1/2 a glass of wine which made the night even better. Matt said, "You need to come to all of my dinner parties to make them more fun!" She was hilarious. While Rae and I were making dessert, she made Matt hold a "Napkin Folding Class.
Notice the bottles and wine much drinking!
Other random pics....

Jeanie & Matt (I think that's what Matt called her when he was drunk at the bar later that night...that's right we still went to TSB night after all this!)

I look like shit because I'd been cooking for 4 hours at this point!

I have no idea what prompted this...Jean looks a bit confused too.

But, why not join it??? Drunk Michelle added a whole new element.

Well, that was the night...
We had a ton of fun and I can't wait to do it again!!!!