Thursday, November 30, 2006

Getting back into things...

Apparently I don't Blog anymore. I don't know why. It certainly isn't for lack of things to write about. I mean I haven't written in nearly two months! Of course that's nothing compared to Chad. I think it's laziness. I think "hey I should blog about that!" but then I sit on the couch with my book or my crochet project (yes I'm a crafty dork) and I forget all about blogging. I used to love doing this...writing for my amusement and therapy. I think I should start again.
Here are some things that have happened since I last wrote:
- I've worked a lot. A LOT. Spent a fair time bar tending including one concert by former Grateful Dead members. After the concert a man walked up to me holding a pair of knee-high Ty-dyed socks. He said, "So do you wanna buy some socks?....or drugs?" Hmmmm socks or drugs...tough choice. Actually I think I'm good.

-I acquired a stomach bacteria called Helicobacter pylori. My mom nicknamed it the helicopter...and that's sorta what it felt like...a helicopter eating my stomach lining. Thanks to Mr. H Pylori I now have ulcerations in my stomach. Lost 15 pounds though! Gained 10 back once I started eating again, but I figure I'm ahead 5 pounds right?

-I've decided to interview for the Macy's management program in the Spring. I kinda feel like a sell-out but I'm totally lacking direction right now and with a goal I feel much better.

-I've found a cheap flight to California for my February vacation

-I have nearly completed my Christmas shopping.

Well that's about it...I think I've exhausted my blogging stamina for today. Gotta pace yourself when you come back from a long break ya know?


Jean. said...

i knew you'd come back!

now tell us all about that conversation about wolf sweatshirts v. mental & physical illness! HA!

Anonymous said...

Whoa, you're back!

What's next, Chad will start blogging?
