Monday, April 10, 2006

Today is a good day

It's gorgeous outside! It's currently 73 degrees and even though I'm about to leave for work I'm in a good mood. I spent over an hour outside (before the neighboor kids got home from school) putting out the deck furniture, racking up stray leaves, uncover our flowers, and trimming back the rose bush (which only bit back once). Then I grabbed a book and a diet cherry coke and sat outside and read. I loved it. I'm also getting used to my new hair color...which is another story....

The Clairol company can kiss my ass for discontinuing Herbal Essences #61.5 spiced terra. That is my hair has been since this summer. So fuck you for getting rid of it. However, in honor of spring, I decided to go brighter. I am now Molten Lava. I was Molten Lava once before, but it seems brighter this time . It's a bit blinding in the sun, so put on your shades folks! But it's bold, it's pretty, and it's kinda sexy, which for some inexplicable reason is how I'm feeling today!


C-Lover said...

Yea for new hair colors! I just got highlights last night and they are BLOND! But they should look really good in the California sun. I can't wait to see the sun again and not have to worry about rain. I really hope to talk to you soon...hopefully tonight.

short short said...

I hate it when they discontinue hair colors! Don't they realize that people's entire outlook for certain seasons and/or yearly events depends on that one box being there on the shelf?

I've never used permanent dye because my hair is so long, but when Clairol discontinued the Natural Instincts Exotic line, I was left with like two options because my hair is so dark. Grrr. Sooner or later they'll force us all into wigs.