At the end of the play these barn doors are supposed to slowly/magically open...enter: ME
Well the door weren't really working very well the first two days. So we have a new method...lets use a hand crank winch (which sounds like wench) so that mechanical force is working WITH me to open these huh? So I go in to work yesterday and backstage there is a ships wheel...a big steering wheel from a boat. I laughed my ass off! Apparently the steel bars from the winch posed a hazard so they put the ships wheel over them...instant piratre ship for Shannon!!!! I haven't taken pictures yet, but I guarentee some Kodak moments will be occuring back there. I already have a pirate flag hangin above the wheel and I have my first mate. Skippy. A fake crow with a lime green eye patch. Yarrrrr.
So now I need a pirate name. Suprisingly there are a number of pirate name generators online. I tried a few and come up with some options. Oddly enough, even though no questions referred to body type, many of the names refer to my bosom (as a pirate might say). So here are the names...which one do ya like?

Captain Charity Rackham (my fav so far)
Sealegs Prudence
Busty Shannon Blackwater (my least fav)
Bloody Shannon Scarlett
Captain Charity Goodfellow
Sealegs Prudence! That's a great one, because it looks like a regular name, only it's a pirate name. Like I could be sitting at the doctor's office and the nurse would come out and say "sealegs, the doctor will see you now." And Prudence is such a puritanesque name to be coupled with the image of watery, algae-covered skin. Lovely. That's my vote.
I like sealegs Prudence too! That's what I was gonna say even before Jenny's comment.
Really, it was!
I'm so jealous of your pirate ship. Now, go sing me some shanties, wench!
FIrst of all...that is so damn funny. I burst out laughing reading this.
Second, you have to go with Rackham because it has RACK and HAM in the name. If that isn't you I don't know what is!
I definately have to agree with Ryan...and you since that was your favorite one. Charity Rackham sounds the best. Plus, you're a Captain which only makes it cooler.
Now, picture me saying this with a metal hook from a Holiday Inn swimming pool lap divider rope in my hand and a not so seductive wink:
Yarrr! You can shiver me timbers anytimes ya likes!"
Hot, too hot.
How about Barnacle Betty?
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