Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Farm Party Fun Time

So, one thing that's nice about working for a new theatre company is that people in the town want to throw us parties all the time! This week we were all invited to the Zephyr Community Co-Op Farm Party. What???? A farm party? Well, sure I'll go. The sign says free food and a bon fire! Sign me up! But then came the question....what does one wear to a farm party? Well, needless to say, the variety in appearance was great. But a good time was had by all...

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We played some bocce ball. Notice Michael Fitzpatrick (an actor in the company). He's quite the snappy dresser. It was pretty hardcore game...we mean business.

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The winning bocce ball team...Best 2 out of 3! I give the credit to the blue balls!

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And what is a farm party without animals! It was the season of love for these frogs!

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They got me in the mood too!

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Then it was time for smores!!!!

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Jeff and I made a great smore making team...

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Then he about greedy!

But all in all I must say that the farm party was a delight! It was my first and hopefully not my last. Good food, great smores, and hot frog porn!!!