Well, I've been terribly negligent in updating my blog. I'm currently in Winona working for the Great River Shakespeare Festival. Things are going well. We open in less than a month which is a bit daunting, but we'll make it. Geoffrey Rush was right in Shakespeare in Love when he said "It all works out. I don't know how it does, but it does." The show is fun with an amazing cast, really great music (its set in post WWII Italy) and an awesome set (with a big steel bridge!). I'll be stage managing the apprentice project again which will be Twelfth Night this year. Should be interesting. As is tradition, the young acting apprentices are a bit immature and are sure to test my patience. I'm getting along great with my roommate. We're the only "plus size" girls in the acting/intern company. We think they put us together on purpose so as to not infect the skinny girls with our curves. I love her cuz the says "Hey Shannon, wanna go to Target?" "Sure Midori, we were just there 2 days ago, but why not?" Jean it really made me miss you! (Plus Target had clearance candy! I only bought one bag....I'm being healthy) And we went to Hy-Vee in our pajamas yesterday...it was a good day. Other things I love about being in Winona: going to the bar and only spending $20.00 after buying 2 cosmos, 2 Blue Moon belgians, and 2 vodka crans....$20.00!!! I love that the trains going past my apartment (tracks are less than 20 feet away) wake me up every morning at 6, 6:30, 7:00, 7:30....don't have to worry about oversleeping!
But there are certainly things I miss about the cities too. Seeing my friends, eating good ethnic food, Great Waters Brewery beers, Tony Sims....speaking of Tony Sims....here are some pics from our last night. I have emailed them to the band without any response....bastards!
Oh....Jean, its our boys together...I think the only time we've had one with all of them in it. Grrrr....Ryan is angry.
Chris!!! Always there with a Bud Light waiting for me when I get off work!
Ahh yes....the boys in the illustrious Purple Room. Notice that (though you can't see it) Tony is holding my leg. And check out Smokey's stomach!!! MMMM Smokey style! Too bad Matt is so short....and what's with Dave??? That's my boy!
Well, I suppose now that I've written this all to brief update, I should get back to work....lord knows the actors will never get on stage in costume if I don't keep up with my paperwork....hmmmm.....naked actors....might not be a bad idea for a couple of them!